
Jump to navigation Jump to search. The term Georgian does not derive from Saint George but from the ancient Persian Gurg or Gorg meaning wolf supposedly a totemic symbol or from the Greek georgios farmer cultivator of land.

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The group is commanded by Mamuka Mamulashvili a veteran Georgian officer.

. Definition from Wiktionary the free dictionary. Georgian ქართული ენა romanized. The fleetpark consists of 1 Boeing 737-700 and one CRJ 200.

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格魯吉亞格魯吉亞語 საქართველო 拉丁化Sakartvelo英語Georgia是一地處亞歐大陸之間高加索地區黑海之濱的國家 以可口的美食醉人的葡萄酒巍峨的雪山和古老的教堂聞名安全的環境熱情的本地人便宜的物價和方便的簽證更使其成為相當優質的旅遊目的地. Its speakers today number approximately four million. October 21 2020.

It is the official language of Georgia and the native or primary language of 876 of its population. 噓 小編今日偷偷地同大家講 我地將會喺 10月30號 葵芳新都會 同大家見面啦 新鋪開張 大家記得嚟支持我哋. Your input will affect cover photo selection along with input from other users.

格魯吉亞王國在12世紀至13世紀早期達到頂點格魯吉亞的黃金時代留下了偉大的教堂浪漫的詩歌和文學遺產 其后1226年花剌子模王朝蘇丹札蘭丁入侵高加索佔領並破壞第比利斯終結了格魯吉亞王國的復興 此後最後一位統治著一統的格魯吉亞國王佐治. There are also members of Georgian national legion. The Georgian National Legion is a paramilitary unit formed by mostly ethnic Georgian volunteers fighting on the side of Ukraine in the War in DonbasThe unit was organized in 2014 with the declared aim to stand up to Russian aggression.

Sɑkʰɑrtʰvɛlɔ officially the Republic of Georgia from 1990 to 1995 is a transcontinental country located in the Caucasus at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western AsiaIt is bounded to the west by the Black Sea to the north and east by Russia to the south by Turkey and Armenia and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. Self-identification is based mainly on linguistic tradition and population groups that belong to different ethno-linguistic groups such as Ossetians Abkhazians. Kartuli ena pronounced kʰɑɾtʰuli ɛnɑ is the most widely-spoken of the Kartvelian languages and serves as the literary language or lingua franca for speakers of related languages.

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